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Auto/Music Show-Laser 120mW RGY159,00 EUR
19 % VAT incl. incl. Shipping costs
Product no.: LWEL200-RGY
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Auto/Music Show-Laser 120mW RGYAuto/Music Show-Laser 120mW RGYAuto/Music Show-Laser 120mW RGY
Auto/Music Show-Laser 120mW RGY

This kind of showlaser is working on stand-alone mode and can play its various patterns also by using the build-in music control. The sensibility of the music control can be adjusted at the back of the device. Because of its very solid and simple construction this laserprojector is ideal for "laser beginners" and customers which are looking for a reasonable prized lighting solution. You get a lot of laser for not too much money! This RGY laser projector is one of the most popular multi-colour laser. All devices contain 2 laser diodes with 100mW red and 30mW green. These can be used to mix other colours like yellow. The all over performance of the devices therefor is 200mW. This enormous power enables you to use this RGY laser in middle sized rooms. Apart from the auto/music control they can be controlled by DMX, and all colours and animations can be controlled single.

Technical data:

  • Output-power: ca. 120mW RGY
  • laser diodes: aircooled diode laser (TEC)
  • RED: approx. 80mW / 650nm; GREEN: approx. 40mW / 532nm
  • laser classification: 3b
  • beam data: 3mm/1mrad
  • deflection unit: high speed - step engine
  • Beamangle: max. 45° optical angle 
  • Scanspeed: 5-7kpps
  • mode of operation :  Stand-Alone programs, Sound to Laser
  • basic patterns: 50 (layers, grids, tunnels, waveeffect, etc.)
  • effects: all together more than 500 different room effects 
  • Laser- Safety: Keylock 
  • Equiment: power cable, DMX cable, owners manual 
  • power supply: 220V - 240V AC
  • power input: 20W
  • messurement: 267*186*153 mm (L x W x H)
  • weight: 2,5 kg
  • warranty: 2 years

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